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Each member of the Board (“Regent”) shall be subject to the duties and requirements specified below.


  • The Board of Regents is responsible for establishing the missions, adopting strategic plans, and making educational policy.
    The Board of Regents does not have the power to make financial decisions or manage the university's finances.

  • The Board of Regents appoints the university's Executive Council, which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the university.

  • The Board of Regents is expected to show respect for the university's policies and decisions in a manner consistent with their fiduciary duties.

  • The President of the university is the chief administrative officer of the university system and has specific powers and responsibilities, including managing the university's finances.


It is important to note that while the Board of Regents does not have financial or fiduciary power over the university, they do play an important role in establishing the university's goals and policies. The Board of Regents works closely with the Executive Council to ensure that the university is meeting its goals and fulfilling its mission.

Governance includes the policies, processes, definitions of roles, relationships, systems, strategies and resources that ensure academic standards and continuous improvement in academic activities, and is concerned with the integrity and quality of the core education activities of teaching, and research. Governance in higher education is the means by which institutions for higher education (tertiary or post-secondary education) are formally organized and managed (though often there is a distinction between definitions of management and governance).


Simply, university governance is the way in which universities are operated. Governing structures for higher education are highly differentiated throughout the world, but the different models nonetheless share a common heritage. Governance and management of post-secondary institutions becomes even more diverse with the differences in defining the relationships between higher and tertiary education (university education), post secondary education, technical and vocational education, and community college models of education.


Each member of the Board (“Regent”) shall be subject to the duties and requirements specified below.


Harvest Christian University ensures transparency in its decision-making processes in the following ways:

1. The university's policies and guidelines determine the nominations and review processes and the awarding of the conferment for honorary doctorates. No disclosure will be made until after Executive Council approval. This ensures that the decision-making process is transparent and that all stakeholders have access to the information.


2. The university announces important decisions such as the appointment of the Board of Regents Chairman through official press releases. The press releases are made available to the public, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the information.


3. The university has a Center for Faith and Justice that assesses communities for injustices and legitimate disparities, addresses the needs of at-risk youth, and fosters neighborhood programs. The decisions related to the center's activities are documented and made available to the public, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the information.


4. The university's College Guidance Counseling Team assists students in effectively preparing for college through advice and guidance. The team's activities are documented and made available to the public, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the information.


Guidelines for Harvest Christian University's Board of Regents:

1. Thee Board of Regents will serve a two-year term, after which they may be reappointed by the President of the University.


2. The power to appoint members to the Board of Regents is given jointly to the Executive Vice President, Provost, and the Executive Board of Trustees.


3. Automatic dismissal will occur if a member of the Board of Regents misses more than three consecutive meetings without a valid excuse.


Procedures for Conducting Meetings and Making Decisions:

1. Members of the Board of Regents are expected to act in the best interest of the University and avoid conflicts of interest. Failure to observe this would be automatic expulsion


2. The Board of Regents will not be responsible for day to day activities or overseeing the financial management of the University day to day operations. These task are performed by University officers , staff and faculty to ensure that it operates in accordance with University's mission and values.


3. The Board of Regents will have the authority to discipline members who violate the University's policies or act in a manner that is detrimental to the University. Any regent members who act in the detriment of the University will be subject to dismissal of their regency chair without Pryor notice and without meeting process.


4. Any regency member, or chair who is thought to have been involved in misconduct will be immediately removed pending investigation. The selection of regents and their positions  are determined by the Office of The presidents as Board of Regents are advisory to the the school.


5. The Board of Regents will conduct regular evaluations of its members and make recommendations to the President of the University regarding reappointment information.






Christian University to follow to ensure transparency in decision-making processes:

1. The Board of Regents will establish the missions, adopt strategic

   plans, and make educational policy. These decisions will be

   documented in official documents such as the university's policy

   manual, bylaws, and strategic plans.


2. The University's Executive Vice-President oversees Investment

   Management and will be responsible for managing the university's

   investments. Decisions related to investments will be documented 

   in financial reports and made available to The President and The

   Board of Regents.


3. The university will have a Center for Faith and Justice that will

   assess communities for injustices and legitimate disparities,

   address the needs of at-risk youth, and foster neighborhood

   programs. The decisions related to the center's activities will

   be documented and made available to the public.


4. The university's policies and requirements for honorary

   doctorates conferment's will be determined and governed by

   the office of alumni relations. The recommendations of

   doctoral candidates can be made by any University officials

   such as the President, Executive Vice-President , Provost or

   Regents. The university's Executive Council and referred to the

   Board of Regents for final approval. These decisions will be

   documented but not made available to the public as HCU is a

   private school.


5. The university will announce the selection of its new Chairman

   of the Board of Regents and any other important decisions

   through official press releases. The press releases will be made

   available to the public.


6. The university will follow the guidelines of the Board of

   Regents of the University., which state that decisions related

   to the university's functions must be made through action of

   the Board of Regents. 


The Board of Regents will have oversight over the university and will take steps to protect the university from any harm. This includes ensuring that all decisions are made transparently and that all stakeholders have access to the information, criteria, and deliberations of decision-making.



Regents at Harvest Christian University:



The Board of Regents is selected by the General Board and the President's office of Harvest Christian University.


The Board of Regents is responsible for overseeing the generation of new alumni and doctoral candidates.


The Board of Regents reports to the Office of the President.


Duties of the Board of Regents

1. Develop and implement strategies to increase the number of

   alumni and doctoral candidates.


2. Review and evaluate the effectiveness of current programs and

   initiatives aimed at generating new alumni and doctoral candidates.


3. Identify new opportunities and partnerships to expand the

   University's reach and attract new students.


4. Provide guidance and support to the Office of the President and

   other University departments in matters related to alumni and

   doctoral candidate generation.


5. Collaborate with other members of the Board of Regents and

   University leadership to ensure that all initiatives are aligned with

   the University's mission and values.


6. Attend regular meetings of the Board of Regents and provide

   regular reports on the progress of initiatives related to alumni and

   doctoral candidate generation.


7. Participate in the evaluation of the Board of Regents and make

   recommendations to the General Board and the President's office

   regarding reappointment.


8. Adhere to the University's policies and procedures and act in the

   best interest of the University.


The Board of Regents plays a critical role in the success of Harvest Christian University by overseeing the generation of new alumni and doctoral candidates.


The Board of Regents works closely with the Office of the President and other University departments to develop and implement effective strategies to attract new students.


The Board of Regents is accountable to the General Board and the President's office and is expected to act in the best interest of the University at all times.



The Prestigious




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​​Harvest Christian University is exempt from federal income tax under IRS Section 501(c)(3) is a 

public charity under IPC section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). A 509(a)(1) Public Charity under Internal Revenue Code,

DISCLAIMER: Harvest Christian University strives to protect the rights of our University alumni and students.. 


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The Arc of Education for The Future of The  Nations​

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